Coronavirus: Orza establishes preventive measures


After the World Health Organization (WHO) described the situation of COVID-19 as a global pandemic, Orza company began to inform all its workers about the situation.

Using material from Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), Orza made brochures and flyers with recommendations to prevent COVID-19 infections. The recommendations are: frequent handwashing, replacing face greetings with oral greetings, coughing or sneezing in the forearm, each worker should notify their direct management in case of presenting any suspicious symptoms, among others.

Every morning, Orza’s safety and health official makes a tour of the entire company, reporting verbally and with brochures the scope of this virus and answering any questions that arise. The procedure includes the preventive temperature taking.

Likewise, within the company the use of disposable paper towels has been established, provision of dispensers with alcohol gel, more frequent cleaning of floors and surfaces and the hiring of an external company to carry out a complete sanitation of bathrooms, dining rooms and common spaces. These health recommendations have also been shared with contractors.
